Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hejab Fashion at the Iranian Cinema Awards

Here's a look at some of the fashion, hejab and colors Iranian actresses were able to get away with at this year's Iranian Cinema Awards.


  1. When will this backwards stone aged regime finally fall? Suppression has caused the Iranian youth to be more self destructive and hard core than anywhere else in the world.

  2. All I can say it is so mind bothering to see Iranian women are forced to except the 14th century rule to put themselves under stupid covers in this fast moving computer age. Women in Iran need to get back their back bones and say no to this backward lifestyle.

  3. No, it is so "mind bothering" how you can't seem get off Iran's nuts. The citizens are completely satisfied with the way things are, and you have no right to intrude.

  4. I am a citizen and completely unsatisfied, who the hell are you to talk as spokesperson for Iranian women

  5. je ne sais qui leur a donné le droit de parler au nom des iraniennes, sachez que le hijab ne nous gêne en rien, nous sommes les filles de la perse antique, nous sommes toujours cultivées, la culture universelle est nôtre, nous sommes médecins, ingénieurs, réalisatrices, actrices, je crois qu'il faut plutôt parler des pauvres filles saoudiennes
