LOS ANGELES -- Thanks to Bijan we saw Iranian faces in the American glossies. The two bottom ads are from an earlier campaign -- the eighties, I believe. Seen above with son Nicolas and daughter Alexandra in 2009. And here's another with his girlfriend Mahtab Mojab. -- editor at large
NEW YORK -- Though many of the top designers are pushing color and "color blocks" this season, Meatpacking District fashonistas were still clinging to their blacks and mauves this weekend. In fact, many of them were only a rousari away from proper hejab.
VIRGINIA -- Photographer Ali Khaligh captures some interesting fashion statements at a recent 13-Bedar picnic at Algonkian Regional Park in the D.C. area. So here's the question: Are U.S.-based Iranians influencing Tehran or is Tehran influencing young Iranian Americans?